St Davids College


Learning Support

The learning support department is absolutely intrinsic to the academic life of the school and is seriously impressive
Good Schools Guide

Support for all

The ethos of St David’s College has always been to offer a personalised education to each child. On entry to the school, every child is assessed on numeracy and literacy skills which helps us to form a ‘Pupil Passport’. Using this as a guide, an ‘Individual Learning Plan’ is created. St David’s supports all of its pupils whether that child is the most able academic or has significant barriers to learning. We are a supportive boarding school for dyslexia and pride ourselves on being one of the leading dyslexia schools in Wales. Close relationships and advanced monitoring help to enhance their talents, address areas that need improvement and provide appropriate support in every aspect of academic and pastoral life.

Highly experienced staff

All classroom and wider curriculum teachers have experience working with multi-sensory teaching techniques, allowing them to tailor their teaching to individual learning styles. All teachers are experienced in supporting pupils with barriers to learning such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia.

“I just couldn't learn the way most schools taught. I know how lucky I am to have had this much support from school, so I don't use dyslexia as an excuse, I work with it and I have learned to have belief in myself.” – Jack (OD, 2017), who has recently graduated from University of Wales Trinity Saint David with a BA in Automotive and Transport Design.

Jake Jones
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Dr. Faye Favill

Head of Cadogan, Learning Support SENCO