Head of Boarding
Mrs. Sue Davies
Deputy Head (Pastoral) & Head of Boarding
07:30 | Boarders get up by 7:30am, make their beds, wash, and get ready |
08:00 | Breakfast in the Dining Hall |
08:35 | Registration and Tutor Period |
08:45-09:00 | Assembly |
09:00 | Classes start in school Sixth Form Boarders can return to Boarding Houses during lunch break |
17:00 | End of School Day Pupils return to their Boarding Houses for supervised Prep Quiet time in Boarding Houses (supervised) Independent study (Sixth Form) |
17:45 | Supper |
18:30 -20:00 | Activities or Free time |
20:00-21:00 | Free time/prepare for bed (Years 5-8) Independent study / free time (Years 9-13) Pupils to pack bags for the next day, shower, and get ready for bed |
21:00 23:00 | Lights out – time dependent on ages |
Our boarders tend to be so absorbed in the life of the boarding houses during term time that the majority choose to spend most of their evenings and weekends at school. However, with parental/boarding staff consent, our boarders are free to go home when they wish to, as long as they have fulfilled any responsibilities required of them at school.
We encourage communication between parents and children, although of course, as with any school setting, we would ask that parents avoid contacting pupils during lesson times. Equally, the house staff are happy to talk to parents via email or the phone about any concerns.
The school is based on a boarding ethos – operating 24/7 in term time.
We encourage all pupils to take full advantage of this by using our boarding facilities as and when it suits your family situation – maybe if parents are away on business or pupils need to stay late for activities, or during revision periods where pupils may need extra focus and support. This can be a great way to try out if boarding suits your child and your family.
Day pupils can stay for up to three nights a week on a regular basis (at a charge, if space is available) and for longer stretches on an occasional basis.
Our boarders are all full-time boarders. With parental/house staff consent they can choose to go home on occasional nights and weekends.
All new boarders are given a current boarder of the same age as a ‘boarding buddy’. Our boarders see this as an honour and take the role seriously. Under the guidance of the house staff, they will make sure that the newcomer is included in everything in the boarding house and is quickly integrated into the busy boarding life. We ensure that there is always a caring adult to talk to, day or night.
Our school community is richer for its diversity. The boarding houses are home to pupils from throughout the UK and from over 10 countries across the globe, all of whom mix together as one big family. St David’s College pupils develop valuable, life-long friendships with peers from many cultures and backgrounds. For more information see our International Students page
Yes. Parking is available for day and boarding pupils. Pupils are required to complete the necessary. Please contact hmsec@stdavidscollege.co.uk for more information
Boarding is an obvious choice for many families, but for some it is a big step into the unknown. Pupils can come for taster nights before joining the school or can join the school as day pupils and try out boarding. We work with families to help you come to the right decision for your child and to help make the transition to boarding seamless.
As a boarding school we are busy all weekend. All boarders - and most day pupils - take part in the Activities Programme on Saturday mornings from 9.30am -12.30pm. Year 5-8 boarders have trips every Saturday & Sunday and Outdoor Education options for all ages run on both days of every weekend. Weekend programme
Boarders enjoy the family atmosphere that makes St David’s College home from home. Many call it a permanent sleep-over and value always having friends to talk to. There are a wide variety of activities on offer every evening and weekend and the discipline of allocated time and spaces to study in. They also say it makes the holidays that much more special!
Hopefully, these will have answered all of your questions regarding Boarding but if you can't find the answer you are looking for please drop us a line at admissions@stdavidscollege.co.uk
or alternatively, contact Mrs. Davies below