St Davids College

201110 Birdseyeview site 2

Safeguarding and Wellbeing

Our aim is to provide every pupil with a safe and caring environment to give them the freedom to flourish.

The Headmaster, tutors, house staff, academic staff, and medical staff all play a front-line role in the pastoral care of our pupils and can be contacted at any time by parents with concerns or questions.

In addition, in line with legislation, St David’s College has appointed a small, dedicated Safeguarding team led by Mrs Sue Davies (

Mrs Davies started working at St David's College in 2005 as a part-time maths teacher. Since then she has been Head of Year, Tryfan House Mistress living onsite for 7 years, and is now Assistant Head (Pastoral) and Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP). Over the years, Mrs Davies has worked with many parents and external agencies, looking out for all of the pupils in our school and ensuring the very best pastoral care. Mrs Davies is supported by a dedicated safeguarding team that includes Mrs Gabriella Murphy, Mrs Hannah McGreevy (School Nurse), Mrs Sarah Mountford, Dr Robert Hughes and Mr Ross Williams.

The aim of the team is to ensure best practice in all aspects of child protection and pupil welfare across the School.

The school has close ties with the local Police Liaison Officer, who plays an important role in the GSE (Global Social Education) programme, and also with various other external agencies with whom we seek to work as often as possible.

Concerned about a pupil?

If you think a child is in immediate danger then please call 999.

In other instances, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP). You can find our DSP contact email address and phone number above.

If you cannot contact our DSP or anyone from the safeguarding team, then you can contact Childrens’ Services on 01492 575111 between 09:00 and 17:00 on Mondays to Fridays, or on 03001233079 at any other time. You can also complete an online referral form via Conwy Childrens’ Services.

Keeping Learners Safe
Download information and statutory guidance for schools and colleges here.

Sue Davies


Mrs Sue Davies


Here are some further links to websites and resources that offer some further support and advice for both pupils and parents