St Davids College

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Lithoplane Llandudno Pier

Published: 21.11.2021 ( 3 years ago )

The pier in Llandudno (owned by Old Davidean, Adam Williams) has been featured on TV in a series called 'The Pier'. The six-part series follows the highs and lows of life on Llandudno Pier during the summer of 2021.

With thoughts of this magnificent Victorian structure in our minds, we decided to try out a new 3D printing method using the pier as the main subject. The method of production is called 3D Lithophane printing.

What is lithophane?

A lithophane is a three-dimensional relief representation of an image that is visible from behind through illumination. The different thicknesses of the material layer create light and dark areas that create a special picture effect when light falls. In this way, images can be represented as relief in a creative way.

The first output from one of our filament 3D printers is shown here: impressive, but I am sure that as we perfect the technique, we will get far more accomplished outcomes.

As ever in the DT Department, we are keen to push the boundaries of new and emerging technologies, and we are very keen to incorporate any new technology into the design and production of physical artifacts.

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