St Davids College

Head Girl Boy 22 23 1

Meet the Head Girl and Head Boy for 2022/23

Published: 29.06.2022 ( 2 years ago )

Choosing the new Head Boy and Head Girl is always an eagerly anticipated event at St David’s College, as it’s one of the biggest honours the school can bestow.

It’s a relatively tough process as applicants have to write a letter explaining why they think they’d fit the role, and also interviews are conducted with a four-strong panel including the Headmaster, Mr Russell.

This year there were six applicants in total, and it’s always a very hard decision to choose the winning candidates.

After careful consideration, St David’s would like to congratulate Harry Boyle and Erin Moore on becoming our new Head Boy and Head Girl!

They will both have big boots to fill as this year’s Head Boy and Girl Zachary Valentine and Sophie Hunt have both been exemplary, with Sophie even leaving behind a beautiful legacy in the shape of a garden-now known as the Head Girl’s Garden. It’s hoped this peaceful spot will be further developed over the years by future Head Girls.

When chatting with Harry and Erin, it becomes immediately clear they already have a strong vision for the legacies they’d like to leave behind.

Harry, who is from Virginia, in the US, is currently studying Chemistry, Further Maths, Maths and Physics. His ambition is to study Mathematics at Cambridge University.

When asked why he wanted to be Head Boy, he said: “I never thought of applying until my Tryfan Housemaster Mr Cogger encouraged me to do so.”

He continued: “Until I came to St David’s I wouldn’t have thought it was something that I could do, but I have flourished because of the way we are taught here.

At St David’s, pupils are treated differently, and for that I feel like I want to give back to the school as I’ve benefitted so much from being here.

The 17-year-old continued: “This year I’ve been helping children in Year 5 and 6 with their reading and maths and have been really enjoying it.

“I’m going to try and get our prefects involved too, so if anyone is struggling they can get some help from one of the older pupils and I’m hoping my legacy will be that it will continue even after I’ve left.”

Erin, who lives, locally in Colwyn Bay, said she only started thinking of applying to be Head Girl six months ago.

“When I first came to St David’s in Year 7, I was pretty quiet and timid, but the school has really helped me get out of my shell and I thought as Head Girl I could make a difference,” said the 17-year-old, who is studying A’level English Language and Literature, BTEC Applied Science and psychology".

“At this school I’ve made wonderful friends, and because it’s so small the teachers get to know you so well.”

Erin is really enjoying her psychology lessons with Head of Boarding, Mrs Sue Davies, and hopes to introduce a positive psychology course to improve the wellbeing and communication of pupils.

We wish them both the very best of luck and it sounds like St David’s is going to be in very safe hands for the new school year!
