St Davids College

Heart Topic web 3

Exciting Junior Years Topics

Published: 15.01.2023 ( 2 years ago )

Before the Christmas break, year 5 and 6 were busily immersing themselves in their second half-of-term topic interestingly called "Blood Hearts"

It is a science-based topic following the Welsh Curriculum with art and science afternoons. They explored the components of ‘blood’ by making fake blood using oil, milk, and red food dye.

Year 6 teacher Anna George said: “The pupils were fascinated and have been asking interesting questions.

“We had an abstract art afternoon using wax, powder, and crayon, and the pupil produced some beautiful pieces of art.”

One afternoon Head of Biology, Steph Stevenson, also paid the class a visit to show the pupils a dissection of a pig’s heart.

Future topics include ‘Tomorrow’s World’ and they’ve also recently been getting stuck into the history, culture, literature, and food of Mexico.
