St Davids College

Freddie Bedell Garden web 1

Freddie's gardening project

Published: 24.05.2023 ( a year ago )

Freddie, who is from a farming background, and enjoys growing vegetables at home, has in recent weeks been hard at work in Reverend Hall’s Garden in the school grounds

He goes down four or five times a week to weed the garden and has even spent some of his own pocket money to buy seeds.

“At our garden at home I have quite a big plot of my own where I plant carrots, potatoes and pumpkins and so on, and I’m doing the same in Rev Hall’s Garden,” said Freddie, who is a boarder in Snowdon House.

He continued: “There are quite a lot of weeds at the moment but I’ve got a few helpers such as my second in command, Lawrence, and I’d like to eventually start a Gardening Club.

“I’ve planted quite a few seeds and with the vegetables I’d like to give them to Will in the kitchen, so that he can cook with them, and I’d like a label to go with food saying from “Rev. Hall’s Garden.”

He added: “If anyone has any plants or seeds, they’d like to donate or any gardening tools, then I’ll take them.”

During the holidays, as well as looking after his garden patch, he tends to his 22 sheep and polishes his vintage Ferguson tractor. Well done, Freddie!

If anyone would like to donate plants or tools to Freddie’s garden project please email
