St Davids College

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Sixth Form University Offers

Published: 28.02.2023 ( 2 years ago )

St David’s College would like to congratulate our Upper Sixth students who have applied to university and have all received offers.

The fact that they have all received offers demonstrates the strength of their applications.

Once again, we have a full range of eclectic course choices which reflect the diverse and aspirational nature of the St David's Sixth Formers.

These include veterinary science, law, real estate, strength and conditioning, fashion marketing, mechanical engineering and psychology.

Head of Sixth For, Owen Davis said: “It has been wonderful to see pupils faces light-up when they receive offers and the tangible targets these offers provide helps motivate them through the final stages of the academic journey at St David's.

“At this time of year, there is always a buzz in the Study centre and our Lower Sixth start to pick up on that vibe and as a result, we have a representative from Aberystwyth University coming next week to run an interactive workshop with our Lower Sixth pupils.”

As the university application cycle continues, it is important to remember that some of our pupils are looking at alternatives and it has been great to support them with the apprenticeship applications and gap year planning. This year we have pupils investigating apprenticeships in rail engineering and CADD.

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