St Davids College

DT Comp Sci Sci Day web 16

Yr 9 DT, Computer Science, and Science Day

Published: 22.02.2023 ( 2 years ago )

Year 9 DT, Science, & Computer Science Day gave the pupils an introduction to the new Animal Management Course, jobs in Design and Technology and in Computer Science.

Nick Cogger introduced Computer Science and the pupils had a taster of Music Programming, AI (Artificial Intelligence) networks and The Cloud- Sport Data Analytics.

He said: “It was an introduction into technology and computing careers in further education and we explored how computers are now essential in so many different areas.

“It was good to see how well the pupils engaged with the day.”

A big hit was Science teacher Hannah Smith’s taster of the new BTEC Animal Management Course we are introducing in September.

Did you know that St David’s College is now home to four baby rats and two very cute hedgehogs called Pablo and Essie? We also have a rather dashing looking snake called Ray and a sweet Dune Gheko called Leonard.

The Year 9 boys were taught how to care for the animals, including the temperature they needed to be kept at and what they eat.

The Year 9 girls were given an introduction to CAD and Design and Technology by Martin O’Leary.

“We looked into design-based careers such as engineering, product design, architecture and fashion design,” said Mr O’Leary.

“I’ve always wanted to encourage girls to consider technology or design careers, our past pupils include a raft of talented girls who have become architects and engineers or have a career in fashion.”

Year 9 pupil Amelie said: “It was a really good day as we learnt about famous female architects and fashion designers such as Vivienne Westwood, and it really made you think about how many varied and interesting careers there are out there.

“We designed dog tags on the 3-D printer which was really fun.”
