St Davids College

Eco Schools Silver Award Cert

Sustainability Scheme Secures Silver for St. David’s!

Published: 28.02.2024 ( 11 months ago )

The Eco-Schools Wales Silver Award recognises a significant step towards a more eco-friendly school.

St. David’s College have been presented with the Eco-Schools Wales Silver Award in recognition of steps towards a more sustainable school.

Led by the Eco-Schools Committee, our pupils, housekeeping, maintenance and catering teams and the Senior Leadership Team have together helped to reduce our school’s impact on climate change. Parents have also been involved through the recent introduction of a uniform swap shop, which aims to rehome lost or discarded items of uniform.

A lot of diligent effort has gone into this achievement, with assessment of how well the school is already scoring on issues like energy use, food and other waste, and the level of awareness of climate change within the school community. This information led to an action plan with many goals actioned by a great number of people. The plan is under further review with new targets currently under consideration that will enable us to progress even further on our journey to becoming an Eco-School.

We are now on track to receive our Green Flag award, and we are looking for more pupil, teacher and parent members to help us reach this incredible goal. No matter how large or small your contribution, every step towards a more sustainable school is a vital one.

If you’d like to get involved with the Eco-Schools Committee, please email Susanne Clayton at and share your ideas and enthusiasm!
