St Davids College


Well done Snowdon!

Published: 17.09.2024 ( 5 months ago )

The usual September sunshine was blocked from view and replaced with low clouds and steady rainfall as the house teams worked hard to create a floatable raft from the assorted barrels and planks

Each raft transported 8 members of the house, with several 'extras' being allowed to help with the design and build (Housemasters were under strict instructions from the race officials, to only offer 'verbal advice!).

Despite the poor weather conditions, the rafts were superbly constructed and possibly for the first time, all rafts made it around the course, with out falling apart!

Each raft was set off at intervals and followed a set course, picking up tokens along the way. Snowdon opted to go first and managed to maintain their lead throughout the race, and for the first time in many years came away as raft race champions!

Tryfan were last to set off but overtook the Cader raft thanks to some swift turn around manoeuvres and came within 13 seconds of catching Snowdon!

Dramatic stuff loaded with team spirit, determination and good sporting fun whatever the weather.

Thanks to all the Housemasters and House Captains for organising, training and strategizing. A top effort by all - Well done Snowdon!
