STEM Fair Returns
The STEM Fair will be back at St David’s College on December 12th and this year’s event is being organised by talented Scientist, Edwin Thompson.
The STEM Fair will be back at St David’s College on December 12th and this year’s event is being organised by talented Scientist, Edwin Thompson.
Last weekend, Agatha Favill was crowned the British Girls Champion at the British Schools Ski Championships at Stoke dry slope. The competition was fierce with schools from Wales, England, and Scotland invited to challenge for the coveted titles with 184 skiers competing in total including some from other boarding schools in the uk. Not only did Agatha win the individual Championship, she also won the Boyd-Anderson Trophy for the fastest skier in a team that achieved a finish time.
Read more about Agatha Favill Wins British Schools Ski Championships
The chocolate advent calendar is a modern tradition at Christmas, but with the cost-of-living crisis, families are finding it harder to afford such luxuries. After hearing about this in their form time, a group of students from Year 10 Cader House chose to do something about it.
St David’s College Ski Team was established in the 1970s and for the last 30 years Snowdon House Parent, Jonathan Demery has been involved along with other members of staff in the early years.
Places on the annual ski trips Mr & Mrs Demery organises to the Alps have always notoriously sold out in days as they are so coveted, and many pupils who are lucky enough to go often say it’s one of their highlights during their time at St David’s.
This Half Term saw the return of our annual Battlefields Trip. Pupils studying history at St David's College traveled to some of the sites of the most important battles of the First World War and laid a wreath to commemorate those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Read the full story of the trip and see some of the pictures here.
Homegrown rugby talent received a welcome boost this week with the announcement that St David’s College and RGC (Rygbi Gogledd Cymru) partnership will continue.
Read more about St David’s College and RGC Extend Partnership
Sixth Former Maria Kazala Laski says she first discovered St David’s College on social media and says the decision to join two years ago has been one of the best ones she’s ever made.
This term, Year 8 have been studying unicellular organisms in everyday use so what better way to celebrate St David's Harvest Festival than by making their own bread?