Our amazing teachers!
The Outdoor Education team were approached by Bangor University to contribute to a new book
The Outdoor Education team were approached by Bangor University to contribute to a new book
Good luck to all our pupils taking part in the national Top of the Bench chemistry competition, organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Carol Service Provides Fitting Finale to Flow of Festivities
Last night’s Christmas Concert was filled with superb performances from our students, and we even had plenty of sing-alongs
A massive thank you to those who donated gifts/money for the Christmas Hampers
St David’s Christmas Fair was a resounding festive success!
It was truly lovely to see so many of you packing out the Assembly Hall last night to see our House Plays, which as always were a brilliant mix of sheer entertainment and comedy
A mesmerised Year 7 were treated to a special Outdoor Education day last week accompanied by poet and spoken word artist, Martin Daws